I am posting this on all of my blogs in hopes that it inspires me and lets others know I am still around just have had some major things in my life come up, change or whatever. Life is really like a box of chocolates. hahaha
Life has a way of sidetracking a person and I feel many would agree the past 3 years has been interesting to say the least on many levels. Creativity has been on hold while my life has been in constant flux of change some bad, but mostly good. Loads of changes with me, my farm, and the things I am doing. Some things get neglected or put on hold while the priority stuff that comes up always something new of course gets done first. I have decided to do some more inner work. When is a Scorpio sun ever not doing inner work most of us are always dying and rebirthing. Out with the old and in with the new. A common cycle for us as a water sign so it seems death and rebirth. My Taurus rising does complain about it though liking more stability and all. haha
I have been working in the greenhouse and landscape industry for the past year that has taken up a lot of time from about April to mid October 50-60 hours per week. Plus trying to work the farm and animals, be in a relationship (long story kind of), and have time for me to decompress from all of it. It was something I needed to do and so I did. Prior to this year 2022 I had worked at a small greenhouse. Thanks for the opportunity Jean. I needed to do more for income to help get necessary work and repairs done. Owning a place either in town or out in the country always needs upkeep and repairs which takes resources like money, time, and skills. I feel most would agree we are sometimes short on all three things.
Life is changing I found a new greenhouse and landscape job also inspires my creative side which is good. I really like the people I am working with another positive. I should be working more 'normal' hours with the option of some overtime if I would want it. This is a plus and I like the flexibility also. I am off until end of march for sure. I will be doing some resting, reorganizing, inner work, and some creative stuff.
I am still growing, harvesting, drying, wildcrafting herbs when I can. I did not have a garden this year no time really. I had enough from the previous year so it is all good. As far as health goes I am grateful for mine. I am in way better shape than most and even people younger than me. I have a few wounds, etc from past injuries, but they are all healing. I still try to eat healthy organic and whole food. Sometimes I fall off the bandwagon. I don't fall too far. Perimenopausal life has been interesting and I am learning a lot for myself at least to help with all the ups and downs of hormones, lovely symptoms, etc like hot flashes. My skin is getting older and dryer. I never thought that would happen the drier part. I am having to take some vitamins to help.
I finally got my eyes checked and new glasses after 12 years. The doctor was surprised how good my eyes were. I laugh I don;t understand why it is such a hard concept to grasp about health and diet. *shrugs* hahaha My hear vision sight is getting worse no bifocals yet I can read normal just not really small stuff up close like I use to.
I am thinking about making some cream and lotions for my skin and such. I still drink my herbal teas. I am always switching things up as needed. I still have my regular herbs I use daily like sage, ginger, rosemary, reishi, and green tea (Oolong). I am looking into some specific herbs too for dry skin, stress (which is less now due to changes in my life), eye health, etc. I keep active which is also helpful and working more on the positive attitude also. The past three years and things going on I don't worry about the outside world so much. I just do my thing. It is my little world around me that needs adjusting. I take stands more which some people don't like. I set-up boundaries for myself and I am not planning on taking on anymore people who need way more help in healing than I can do. I will say this I can provide the tools, but in the end the person has to do the work themselves. No one is going to save us perse, dig us out, do it all for us. Health is not just physical but emotional and spiritual also. Something i have known for years and still need practice at it. I am getting better at putting myself first instead of my usual which causes me more harm than good. I don't mean at the expense of others either. There is a fine line between self respect, boundaries, selfcare and just being selfish where a person will cause others harm in some way to get what they want.
My plan is to share my herbal adventures more here and even start to teach classes locally. Some of my organizing and planning this winter. Until the next post. Happy Holidays and good health to everyone.
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